One of the interesting things about being environmentally conscious is the multitude of ways that you can adopt this approach in your life.
It’s not simply one change or one purchase and you’re suddenly living in an environmentally friendly way. There’s a number of different things that can be done, and these cover a lot of areas of our lives.
At Stoves & Solar, our aim is to provide you with the information, insight and options you need to make positive changes to your life from a green energy perspective.
One way to do this is with a solar hot water installation. But how do they work? What is required? What’s what with solar hot water installations? Our latest blog explains it all.
The importance of self-sufficiency
When it comes to how we chose to live our lives in the modern age, staying on top of our own habits and choices is key to living in a more sustainable way.
What do we mean by this? Well, the more reliant we are on big energy corporations, the higher our individual carbon footprints are.
But if you are looking to live in a more sustainable and green way, then this reliance needs to be addressed. One way is by cutting down on your use of elements such as gas and electricity, thus lowering but not eliminating your reliance on these big corporations.
Another is to look to go ‘off the grid’ somewhat and create systems that allow you to live in a more self-sufficient, independent way that helps limit your need to use ‘main’ energy resources.
Solar heating for water

One such system is a solar hot water installation. This uses solar panels to gather the sun’s energy and then utilise this to heat the water that we use in our homes.
This can then be used for bathing and showering, as well as tasks in the kitchen and general things around the home.
This is an efficient way of heating your water and can help you and your family live in a more self-sufficient way. This all means that you can lower your energy bills over time and live in a more sustainable way.
This is a really positive investment for your home and family. While the cost of installation is there in the initial phase, the rewards over time quickly make this difference up in saved money and lower bills. So not only can you put that saved money to good use, but you can also rest easy in the knowledge that you are making a positive difference to the environment and not using up resources.
That truly is a win win situation if ever there was one. Something to mull over in the shower perhaps!
How can it be done?
One worry we do hear when speaking with customers is that they fear that while using natural energy resources to help power elements of their home is a nice idea, it could be a tricky and complicated thing to set up.
But in reality, this is far from the case. There is truly efficient and effective technology out there today that is truly game-changing when it comes to energy usage. These take the natural elements of the world around us to make power that can help us live our day-to-day lives differently.
There’s a number of solar hot water technologies available, many of which we stock at Stoves & Solar. We stock a host of different styles of solar panels for hot water that can be used in your home. We also stock evacuated tube panels and flat plate panels.
There are also solar hot water cylinders, as well as pump, pumpstations and accessories for you to browse through and buy. This can help to enable your solar hot water panel system to work efficiently.
Can it be done DIY?

Yes it can! DIY solar installations are actually easier than they sound and are not impossible by any means.
You may well be the kind of person that enjoys DIY projects and takes pride in completing something in your home that feels like your work. That’s great if so, and at Stoves & Solar we sell DIY kits that provide you with everything you need to add a solar hot water installation to your home and make a really positive addition to things.
We stock both DIY and professional solar installation kits. This range contains solar heating products for water heating and room heating.
It’s a diverse offering with plenty of options for different budgets and requirements.
Start your journey towards Renewable Energy use today
Stoves & Solar has a vast range of renewable energy products available for you to purchase and become part of the growing green economy. Take the time to browse through the full range of Stoves & Solar products and make a positive decision for your home, your family and your environment today.
If you have questions for the Stoves & Solar team, simply get in touch and we will be happy to help.
With the cost of living crisis gripping homes across the UK, there has never been a better time to invest in solar panels and ensure your energy independence in the future.